Jumat, 25 April 2014

2 years worth blogpost!

Good Friday people!
It turns out we missed the entire twenty thirteen. Last time I wrote was mid 2012, and you bet a lot has changed in almost 2 years time! So to put it simply, here is what happened in 2013; I've met some lovely people, did things I've always liked, put our house on the market (yes, the one that we never lived in :p ), and the last one is pretty major. We got Nayra a little sister! (here comes the confetti, balloons and whistles) Didn't see that one coming, eh?

So this bundle of joy was delivered on December 28th 2013, again, by c-section (I didn't need to add another place for new sutures right?) Given the natural perk of c-section (or not so natural come to think of it), we would have wanted it to be delivered on the IT delivery dates, like 11-12-13 (11 december 2013) if it wasn't for the later due date. We thought it best to wait till the pregnancy was complete, 39 weeks along at least, but then we couldn't afford to wait till it's 40 weeks or even wait till new years eve. We were anxious to have this baby and wouldn't spare another minute to have her in our arms. So it was decided. December 27th 2013 was the day we first set our eyes on something so delicate and beautiful. Nadine Aishalyra Dharmawan.

Praises to God.
Words will never be sufficient to describe what we were feeling. (It's always like that when you have a child of your own). Of course she was every bit as wonderful as we could have ever imagined. Only endless praises can be offered to Him upon this angel He bestows on us. With a full grown jet black hair (not to forget sideburns she apparently had the luxury to grow while she's still in my womb), rosy cheeks, sweet kind eyes and the most angelic face she made our life that much sweeter.

It's in human traits and nature that parents are madly in love with their children. So I guess it's universal law to always bear with ones loving and adoring comments on ones child, right?

Love, N

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