Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

two months back and two months ahead

wow, it's been two months since i last wrote here.
but hey, who said i would be an industrious blogger?
i'm simply too busy playing with my little kickboxer. (haha i know i'm such a snob)

well i just dropped in to say hi, and maybe let out a tiny anxiety about what i would face in less than 2 months. you know, giving birth. my baby. and everything. justtt a teeny bit.

or maybe not that teeny.

i'm still in this phase of evading any pictures of giving birth from entering my mind. i try not to think about it. not until i really have to. i'm eight months along now, and i still have a few weeks to spare, right.

ok enough about mommy-thingy.
i am in the middle of reading eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. i'm such a slow reader but so far, i think i kinda like it. i kinda understand her writing style (not that i'm a writer . i wish haha) or maybe i kinda understand elizabeth (the main character) cause she's a true cancer just like myself.
i'm still in book one-italy now, and can barely wait till i get to book three which as you all know happens to capture the beautiful island and tradition of Bali, Indonesia.

oh i'm yawning now. i really should go to bed. i'll see u in the next post!
Kissessss XO