Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Completely famished

Holy. God. Am unbearably starrrving.

Am now utilizing the full extent of my hearing, trying to hear the purr of Mr. D’s car when it pulls over outside (he said he was bringing home some pecel leles). I’m positive I can’t afford to wait till the car’s safe in the carport. I’m gonna have to go out, open the gate myself, bang the car window till he rolls it down and ask fiercely for the pecel.

So far, no luck.

Normally I wouldn’t even budge hearing the name of the food. What kind of people would name a food “pecel” anyway? It doesn’t sound appealing in any way. Add that with the image that pops in your head when you think of the word “lele”.

Do you see the mustache and everything?

I know.

But recently I eat everything people shove in my plate.

God! How could someone eats ordinarily one day (I mean like normal people), and turns to a carnivore the next? Am munching on smoke beef cheese stick trying to ease the hunger. Doesn’t work very much. Crunch crunch. Thank you.

Sorry I just can’t concentrate on anything. It’s crazy I know. It’s just “hungry” right?

God I better find other ways to sulk rather than ruin other people’s mood. I know I know, this is why they invented blog in the first place. But I should just go calm my self down.

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

He asked me to make a scrapbook

Ok, that seems like a harmless enough request that wouldn’t hurt anyone….
Except for me.

I’ve never been known for my skilled craftsmanship. Call me old fashioned but as far as I know scrapbook entails a lot of gluing or stapling, creative writings, exact memories of passed events, and of course decent handwriting so that the scrapbook would not hurt the eyes to read. The very basic problem is unlike my craftsmanship, my handwriting is quite popular!..for being barely legible. So you see, this isn’t exactly something that brings the corners of my lips voluntarily up to a smile.

But this request is given by the most important person in my life. And he has some good points. You see he and I did a nice trip to eight European countries a few weeks ago and unlike him, it was the first time I ever set my feet on European land and it had been aaaaages since I had had a decent get away.

I mean.

I was practically grinning for the rest of the day he first told me we were going to do this.

So just maybe, I was supposed to be the one who came up with the idea of making the memory alive out of it, keeping every memento we got there, every bus and train ticket, every boarding pass and every free pass to casinos (actually we got only one hehe). But turned out it’s the other way around. He was all about keeping all of those and making sure they did not end up in some trashcan in red light district (cause he saw I was eyeing those trashcans furtively. come on, seriously who could blame me?).

And I, I tell you I can do just fine with photos. And it’s not like we didn’t take an abundance of photos there. And let me tell you a secret, he was supportive about uploading them all to my facebook account.

Like THAT doesn’t take a hell lot of time haha.

Soo I think my resolution to this scrapbook thingy would be to renegotiate things with him. If I can manage to upload all the eight albums containing the eight countries, I’m off the responsibility to make the scrapbook (don’t tell him this cause he doesn’t check his facebook account meticulously, but I’ve already uploaded seven albums out of eight cause it’s much easier to upload photos with flock than to glue or staple them in stiff papers right). So it isn’t a very bad deal for me, huh ;) just fervently imagine in my head that he will go along with this. The movies say that usually works. Still for me, fingers crossed.

Oh ok, maybe I confused you a little by telling you he this or he that without bothering to tell you who the hell is this he. Rr not to reveal my marital status bluntly here, but as it happens I’m married ☺ to this guy who I would never have thought in a million years would be My Mister Man. But sometimes life has its own way of telling that you have been walking on the wrong street all this time. *cringe*

So yes, this aforementioned
mister is my rr my spouse. It might seem weird but I never get a kick out of referring him as my “husband”. I mean I know he is, I’m blessed that he is, and I love him with all my life but I don’t think I’d ever get used to using that forbidden “h” word. I scratched that already from my vocabulary (it’s temporary. I promise).

And I’m still 21 for God’s sake! So that might explain the aversion to that particular word. You can't decide when and why you love someone indefinitely. You just cant help it. Sometimes it's just plain cruel, I know. But thank God you will always have the control over what you do and you dont like. This "h" word for instance, is in the top ten of my current not-a-very-big-fan-of list. Don’t blame me if I’m too young for that word. Hm!

Now since this mister is literally a part of me and plays a massive role in my life consequently he has a huge deal in the content of my blog post too right? So there’s no point in keeping him in the shadow much longer. His name is Dharma, but let’s just call him Mr D for now ok? Here I attach a picture of us ☺ to put a face to the name.

Rr guess I was rambling, wasn’t I ? Well then thanx for helping me finding the solution to the scrapbook thingy. And maybe someday I will tell you about the Europe trip in another post (No promise though. We went to eight countries, and judging by my short-term memory I’d hardly remember all of the details in each country we visited). So as I told you, MAYBE when I’m in the mood for it, I will rack my brain to remember and write it here. Or maybe not.

Either way, see you soon in the next post! :D

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

My very first blog post

‘Hi’ sounds like a normal enough greeting right? So there, HI YOU. I’m embarrassed to tell you that I’m a newbie here in blog-ville. The new kid on the block. So please make me feel welcome and don’t be ruthless with me =D

For starters, I want to warn you beforehand.
As much as I want this blog to be nice for you to read, I am fully aware that I am not that good of a writer. So try not to make a face when you read stupid words or sentences and try not to cringe over silly unnecessary posts, ok. Don’t tell me I didn’t try to warn you =D

Wow what a blogger I am. It’s only my first blog post and I already tell you what to do. Hahaha
But if by any chance you decide to sit tight and be a merciful person by reading this, be prepared to receive the widest and cutest grin from me. Does that sound like a good incentive? ……... No? haha well anyway,

I think I’m cozy enough here thus I’ll see you around ;)
Kissessss =D