Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

bestfriend in disguise

Do you realize that there are some things in life that feel strange but natural at the same time? That are extremely frightening but somehow we cant live without them? That sometimes we try so much to avoid yet they’re inevitable, like the need to breathe to keep ourselves alive, so you don’t have the convenience to choose otherwise?

You’re right, one of them is change.

One minute you put on your red-white elementary uniform to go to school and the next you slip on the first blouse you can reach in your walk-in to go to college (not that I have my own walk-in). One minute your mother is there escorting you to the dentist to get your baby tooth out and the next minute, there you are in the obgyn waiting room flicking through a book titled Sembilan Bulan yang Menakjubkan studiously. One minute you’re feeling absolutely fine and the next you feel the need to throw up every chance you get.

I know change is inevitable and we humans are used to it. Nothing new about it. And I wouldn’t even bring this topic up if not for the fact that these changes I’m going through now is affecting the life of a tiny person I love unconditionally whose life depends on me twenty four hours a day.

So these are the most recent changes in me:
1. My appetite.
It seems like it changes as often as I change my panties. Back when everything was normal, I lovedddd pasta. And I could never survive without snacks. Chips, muffin, yoghurt, crackers, you name it.
Recently I prefer Indonesian food. And my appetite for snacks is limited to those healthy snacks like fruits (thank God even though still in my tummy my baby already knows what kind of snack is better for her. Unlike her mom, huh)
And oh, my appetite has never been this big before. Cute baby, it seems like she’s constantly hungry.

2. My routine trivia.
I dab this certain cream with “smoothing out stretch mark cream” written in bold on the front, on certain parts of my body twice a day now. Got it from Mothercare. But I’m new in all this, so if any of you got better cream suggestion, would you be a dear and let me know what it is? Thanks :D

3. My wardrobe.
I literally am running out of clothes. Well I was a size S. Or XS. So basically my wardrobe consists of body fitted simple dresses. And you can see a lot of black in my closet. But now they simply no longer accommodate my growing tummy.
Of course for pregnant mommies, jeans are out of question right. And I still don’t have the guts to buy those maternity jeans cause somehow I feel like it confirms the fact that I’m going to be an IBU-IBU ☹ (ibu-ibu and mommy are two different things in my dictionary)
So this leaves me with close to zero to wear.

4. My music
I listen to compilations for pregnant mommies and Mozart at least for an hour every day. It’s refreshing actually – if you don’t hear the same songs over and over again for the past weeks, every single day haha. Maybe I should get some Bachs now?

There are still several numbers but I don’t think I need to write it all down here otherwise it’s going to be a very long post.

So Rrr yes. It doesn’t take a genius to see that I AM carrying. ☺ I’m 18-months pregnant now. It’s amazing and unbelievable. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept sometimes. It’s just mind-boggling. Sometimes I giggle just looking at my growing tummy and picturing there’s a tiny baby snuggling in there. Nuts, I know. But hey, who can help it?

Alhamdulillah I’m loving these changes in me and the biggest part of it is because I get to do that for and with this new little person I’m so smitten with. This makes me euphoric most of the time even though these changes are all very strange and overwhelming for me.

Hey actually, we encounter these kinds of changes every day. Not exactly the same I know, but with the same magnitude. It can be the change with you now doing so well at work, with you being apart from your boyfriend who you used to see every day several months before, with you being a wedded wife and so on. Well you get the picture.

Change IS our bestfriend. So it would be best to treat her with love, respect, it would be wise to never ever take her for granted. So she will never turn her back on you. ☹ instead she’ll encourage you to grow up and give broader views that never occurred to you before. You can never appreciate how good things get if you haven’t felt what it’s like being so down you want to scream and run and be reincarnated as a whole new person, right?